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Approval in Accordance with VdS Guidelines
Alarm Receiving and Service Centre and Alarm System Provider
For optimum security of a protected object, security hazard alarms (alarm, disturbances, status messages etc.) from monitored objects (protected objects) must be transferred immediately and securely to the competent authorities of the technical services, the alarm service and the intervention service are coordinated there.

The sum of the processes - including their interactions - which are necessary for a protected object to detect and signal adverse conditions and for their defence and protection based on the existing security concept is called a safety and security chain. The processes along the safety and security chain must be controlled, checked and carried out under defined conditions.
Architecture of an Alarm and Service Control Centre
In order to ensure efficient security, the security chain for each protected object should be planned individually on the basis of the object-specific security concept and adapted to its protection requirements.
An Alarm and Service Control Centre is the area of a security service provider that offers technical services and security services for hazard prevention (alarm and intervention services) for objects of protection on the basis of contractual agreements and action plans on the basis of a monitored security chain.
The Alarm Service Centre is responsible for planning, implementing and maintaining the processes within the security chain.
An Alarm Service Centre can be centralised or decentralised in the form of a modular architecture. ASCs without their own AES can make use of a so-called alarm provider (AP) for technical services, which is responsible for forwarding hazard alarms to the alarm and intervention service.
The certification body of VdS Schadenverhütung offers approval as ASC and AP on the basis of the VdS 3138 guidelines.
Important components of the security and safety chain are:
Technical service: security service consisting of receiving, processing and forwarding hazard alarms from hazard detection systems installed in protected objects and documenting these steps. These hazard detection systems are monitored by the technical service. The prerequisite for the technical service is an AES.
Alarm service: Security service that consists of evaluating hazard alarms and initiating, monitoring and documenting contractually agreed security measures to restore the security of the protected object as quickly as possible. The qualification requirements for the personnel employed in the alarm service are regulated in VdS 2237.
Intervention service: Security service consisting of carrying out the previously agreed measures for averting danger on the object to be protected on the basis of an alarm and documenting the results of these activities. The implementation is monitored by the ASC.
Alarm provider: Alarm receiving centre (AES) that fulfils additional requirements for the processing, monitoring and forwarding of hazard alarms.
VdS GeoRiskReport
One concern less

The greatest risk to the economy, according to the World Economic Forum: Extreme weather events. DIN EN 50518 and DIN EN 50600 make natural hazard assessments mandatory.
The fastest and easiest solution for you: The VdS GeoRiskReport ( €195) with the usual precise and high-quality geo and weather data to assess your risk situation, individually for each coordinate in Germany. Of course, the hazard of every building and construction project depends primarily on its location.
The relevant natural hazards at a glance - compact and clearly presented.