VdS-Schadenverhuetung Brandschutz


Specialist Companies DIN 14675

Specialist Companies for Fire Alarm Systems. VdS is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN 45011 for the certification of specialist companies for fire alarm systems.

A certificate is usually issued for a period of four years. Specialist companies which have not yet gained any practical experience in planning, design, installation, commissioning, acceptance or maintenance of fire alarm systems will initially receive a certificate with a term of one year. In general, however, specialist companies for fire alarm systems are not authorised to issue VdS certificates of installation.

Access to the certification procedure shall be provided to companies which are able to provide one or more of the following services:

  • Planning of fire alarm systems (design and execution planning - without reference to a specific fire alarm system)
  • Project planning of fire alarm systems (plant and assembly planning - with reference to a specific fire alarm system)
  • Assembly / installation of fire alarm systems
  • Commissioning of fire alarm systems
  • Acceptance of fire alarm systems
  • Maintenance of fire alarm systems

The services which are performed must comply with the regulations of DIN 14675.

Specialist Companies for Speech Alarm Systems

Companies which are able to provide one or more of the following services have access to the certification procedure:

  • Planning of voice alarm systems(design and execution planning - without reference to a particular voice alarm system)
  • Project planning of voice alarm systems (plant and assembly planning - with reference to a specific voice alarm system)
  • Assembly / installation of voice alarm systems
  • Commissioning of voice alarm systems
  • Acceptance of voice alarm systems
  • Maintenance of voice alarm systems

The services must be carried out in compliance with the provisions of DIN 14675 and DIN VDE 0833-4.

