VdS-Schadenverhuetung Brandschutz

VdS Approval for

Qualified Electricians

In addition to the approval of installers and specialist companies, VdS also offers personal certifications for electrical engineers.

These include, amongst others, experts for the inspection of electrical equipment, EMC experts,experts in electro thermography, as well as specialists for building infrastructure cabling.

Experts for Testing of Electrical Devices

About 30% of the fires registered by property insurers occur due to deficiencies in electrical installations. These fires could very likely be avoided if the electrical installation is flawless. For this purpose, however, they must be planned, installed and subjected to regular tests and maintenance by a VdS-approved expert.


Experts for Electrothermography

Thermography is an objective imaging measuring method to determine surface temperatures without contact. Applying thermography, weak points in electrical systems can be detected swiftly. A qulified evaluation of these thermal images provides the operator with important information. VdS approved specialists for electrical-thermography have demonstrated their professional qualifications and have the necessary measuring instruments.


Smart Building-Fachkräfte

"Smart" definitely does not mean = "safe", as is known far beyond our industry thanks to numerous practical examples.

Europe's largest security institute is therefore pooling the experience it has gathered since the beginning of digitalisation in the training of loss prevention experts in this field.

The approved experts close the numerous protection gaps in Smart Buildings with clearly proven competencies.


Experts for Building Infrastructure Cabling

In many modern companies, business processes can no longer work smoothly without a well-functioning IT infrastructure. The basis for a functioning network is a reliable building infrastructure cabling. VdS offers an approval process to experts who know about the problems of building infrastructure cabling and who can offer solutions.


EMC Experts

In cooperation with well-known professional organisations and the industry, VdS has developed an approval procedure for planners and installers of electrical systems, which is offered to electrical specialists. The approval process also includes the required training.



Lightning Protection Specialists for Explosive Areas

Explosive areas are classified as so-called "installations subject to monitoring" in accordance with the German Industrial Safety Regulations. In such installations, plants and facilities, § 3 (3) of the Industrial Safety Regulations stipulates that the operator must always select and commission a qualified person for any necessary tests.


Experts for Photovoltaic Systems

Experts‘experience proves that compliance with the relevant regulations and the adherence to the manufacturer‘s instructions are unfortunately often neglected. Therefore, in recent years, insurance companies, operators, and responsible planners and installers, expressed the wish to establish qualified training programs and to supervise the competence of an independent third party (an accredited body).

