Fire Extinguishing Systems
Livestream on 08./09.12.2021
Fire Extinguishing Systems
Livestream on 08./09.12.2021
>>> Click here for the programme of the conference <<<
>>> Click here for the registration form for the conference <<<
Information on the Conference
An exciting look at home and abroad: The 12th International Conference on Fire Extinguishing Systems highlights a wide range of current topics with experience reports and solutions from various European countries. It also offers plenty of opportunity for international exchange.
As always, there is a lot to report on, because new risks in production and storage, as well as experience from damage and the practical application of fire extinguishing systems, ensure that the systems and the associated regulations are continuously being developed.
The conference will focus on new developments in national and international regulations for sprinkler, water mist, gas extinguishing and oxygen reduction systems, as well as on the topics of earthquake safety and corrosion in water and gas extinguishing systems.
Insurers, experts, operators and installers of fire extinguishing systems will present interesting case studies and protection concepts for special risks – from flammable liquids to lithium-ion battery systems and special storage concepts.
The conference will be held as an international conference with simultaneous translation German-English.
Target groups
Designers, manufacturers, installers and users of fire extinguishing systems, fire and safety engineers, experts and fire officers in industry, administration and service providing companies, fire departments and approval authorities, loss prevention officers of the insurance industry, all parties dealing with matters of fire protection
The participation fee covers the cost of conference documentation.
Please note the technical requirements for successful participation.
Our general terms and conditions for conferences apply.
- Fire safety and Europe - does it fit together?
- EN 12845: European Sprinkler Standard: a big step forward
- Earthquake resistance of sprinkler systems: new requirements according to CEN/TS 17551
- International field review of sprinkler systems by a risk engineer
- Galvanized pipes in Sprinkler Systems – Risk of explosion due to hydrogen formation
- Corrosion Mitigation Developments in the Fire Protection Industry
- Protection concepts with different fire extinguishing systems at an international measurement technology manufacturer
- Oxygen reduction systems
- Fire protection in large-scale lithium-ion storage systems
- An introduction to EN14972 – the newly published European watermist standard
- How water mist can support fire safety along Clean Energy Transition
- Calculation of extinguishing gas quantities with consideration of the room surface - practical experience
- Internal Corrosion in cylinders containing CO2 mixtures
- IBCs and flammable liquids: lessons learned from the Lubrizol accident in France (2019)
- FM Global Data Sheets – Current information
- Protection of modern storage systems, a case-by-case consideration?
Start and end
The event will start at 9.15 am on the first day and end at approximately 4.10 pm on the second day.