VdS-Field of Competence
Fire Protection
Fire protection is an important component of corporate security, as business interruption and material damage caused by fire can be threatening to the existence of the company:
loss of market share, brand damage, brain drain to the competitors, loss of confidence on the part of investors. Therefore, risk-aware and responsible companies in their own interest make high requirements for fire protection.
Our services in the Fire Protection field of competence help to make companies safer.
Fire prevention and protection on-site
Technical Inspection Services of VdS
30 of the 30 DAX companies rely on VdS services. Initial, refresher and special audits carried out by our nationally approved experts, provide businesses, government agencies and insurers the assurance that existence-securing fire protection technology works under all operating conditions.
For property insurance
Risk Management
The risk engineering for the property class F/FBU is an important component and an existential basis of a profit-oriented underwriting with any sophisticated insurers. The VdS division Risk Management is an ideal partnership of the insurers´ own risk consulting team to intercept peak and special loads, without having to make time-consuming recruitment.
Software for fire prevention and protection systems
Dimensioning of SHEVS
Dimensioning of gas extinguishing systems