VdS-Schadenverhuetung Security


Security Service Provider

For optimum protection, object security alarm signals (alarm, faults, status messages) must be immediately transmitted from monitored objects, safely transferred to the competent authorities and coordinated there.

These processes along the safety and security chain must be controlled, checked and carried out under defined conditions. VdS provides approval procedures for personnel and companies in the field of security and safety services.

VdS GeoRiskReport

One concern less

The greatest risk to the economy, according to the World Economic Forum: Extreme weather events. DIN EN 50518 and DIN EN 50600 make natural hazard assessments mandatory.

The fastest and easiest solution for you: The VdS GeoRiskReport ( €195) with the usual precise and high-quality geo and weather data to assess your risk situation, individually for each coordinate in Germany. Of course, the hazard of every building and construction project depends primarily on its location.

The relevant natural hazards at a glance - compact and clearly presented.


Approval in accordance with VdS guidelines

Alarm Receiving and Service Centre and Alarm System Provider

An alarm receiving and service center is the area of a security service provider that offers based on a monitored security chain, technical and security services (alarm service and intervention services) for protected objects based on contractual agreements and action plans. In terms of the technical services, alarm and service centres without their own ARCs can use a so-called alarm provider (AP), which is responsible for transmitting alarm signals to the alarm service and intervention services. The certification body of VdS offers the approval as alarm receiving and service centre and alarm provider based on the guidelines VdS 3138.


Approval in accordance with VdS guidelines

Intervention Company

The intervention service is a protection service consisting of implementation of the pre-agreed security measures in protected objects due to an alarm, and documentation of the results of those activities. If the intervention service is not provided by the alarm receiving and service centre, these services can be provided by an external body, the so-called "Intervention Agency". VdS offers the approval as intervention agency based on the guidelines VdS 2172.


Certification in accordance with DIN EN 50518

Alarm Receiving Centre

For the first time the standards of the DIN EN 50518 specify in Europe demands on the planning, execution and device functions for so-called alarm receiving centres (ARCs). ARCs monitor, receive and process the alarm signals generated by alarm systems. Alarm systems in the protected objects, in turn, are an integral part of the overall safety and security concept. VdS is accredited by the German National Accreditation Body (DAkkS) for the certification of alarm receiving systems in accordance with DIN EN 50518.


Certification in accordance with DIN 77200

Security Services

The certification process of VdS includes all security services, described in DIN 77200 (e.g. object security, event services, security services in public spaces). As a part of the certification VdS inspects the offered security services of the security service provider (private security companies) according to DIN 77200 in the respective desired performance level to nonconformity.


Certification in accordance with DIN 77210

Cash and valuables services

The VdS certification procedure covers all cash and valuables services listed in DIN 77210-1. As part of the certification process, VdS checks the services offered by the cash and valuables service provider in accordance with DIN 77200-1 for conformity with the standards. The certification basis for this is provided by DIN 77210-2:2018-07 in conjunction with our procedural guidelines VdS 3483.


Certification in accordance with DIN EN 16082

Aiport and Aviation Security Service Provider

Not only in times of the increased threat of terrorism, airports are particularly protected areas. 20,000 service employees alone are currently guarding German airports - 20% more than in 2014. Of course, the sheer number of providers of these services raises the question of opportunities for a quick identification of highly qualified providers. Compliance with the standards is verified by a relevant certification by VdS. The process for certification is covered by the guidelines VdS 3108.


Training Courses

Qualification to Become a Nsl Certified Specialist

Employees of a VdS-approved alarm receiving and service centre must have adequate qualifications to perform the activities of the alarm and intervention service. VdS offers preparatory courses and the exams to become a (senior) alarm receiving and service centre specialist.

