
VdS Field of Competence

Management Systems

To be successful in todays market, companies must have clearly defined processes. In this context, certified quality management systems in accordance with ISO 9001 brings clear advantages.

Even in the context of occupational health and safety it is necessary to strive for improvement in all areas of the company.


Cost advantages

Integrated Management System

A major advantage of BS OHSAS 18001 exists for companies which have already implemented a quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. Both regulations can be perfectly combined to an integrated management system, because they follow a similar structure. Thus, already introduced documentation, analysis and information processes, for example, can be both used for a catalogue of requirements, in terms of an integrated management system. Finally, expenditure of time and costs can be significantly reduced through a combination of a certification of quality and occupational health and safety management systems from one source through VdS.

Quality Management


Quality Management

The certification of QM systems in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 provides the customers with the necessary confidence in a consistently high quality - especially for VdS approved products and services. For this reason, VdS requires proof of a certified QM system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 in the context of product and installer approval procedures.. Only companies that meet the high expectations of their customers on a long-term basis also achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction and thus bind their customers in the long term.

Occupational Safety and Health Protection

Bs Ohsas 18001

Occupational Safety and Health Protection

Up to now, management systems have focused on the results of daily operational practice: the product, the service. But what about the most important resources in the process, the employees and the company itself? What can a company do to protect and strengthen its position and its employees? The DIN ISO 45001 standard provides the systematic approach, since personal safety, work safety and health care are the main focus. Preventive measures in occupational health and safety management enable employees to take the necessary measures before an accident or a damage occurs.

Environmental Management Systems

DIN EN ISO 14001

Environmental Management Systems

Certified environmental management systems are now a useful addition to classical quality management. By verifying an environmental certificate, you minimise the risks of environmental damage and possibly related criminal and recourse claims. In addition, you create trust in your preventive measures with your customers and your employees. ISO 14001 is the world-wide recognised requirement for an environmental management system.

Security management of structural objects

VdS 3406

Security management of structural objects

Risk management is a core business task. Especially in the security sector, the manifold risks are becoming more and more serious: current police crime statistics show that the number of committed crimes has increased considerably compared to the previous year. The variants and number of criminal threats are almost as confusing as the possibilities for risk minimisation. VdS has been supporting the responsible experts for many years with practical guidelines for the optimal planning and installation of all relevant security technologies.

Quality Management

Non-Police Emergency Response

A new aspect of VdS Schadenverhütung is the certification of quality management systems in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 in the area of non-police security, for example for professional fire brigades, rescue services and their control centres. Quality management means, among other things, clear rules, uniform standards, comprehensible operational procedures, transparent reporting, highly motivated personnel, measures to prevent errors and their constant improvement. The taxpayer has to be in the focus of the customer.

ISO/IEC 27001

Information Security

The logical consequence as the next version of the VdS-Cyber-Services-Quick-Check, Quick-Audit and Certification Audit in accordance with VdS 3473 is the establishment of an information security management system. ISO 27001 is the world-wide recognised requirement for the development of such a management system.


VdS 10000

Information Security for Medium-Sized Companies

Especially medium-sized companies are often targeted by cyber criminals. A major reason for that is the conventional security standards, which often overwhelm medium-sized companies. With the release of the guidelines "VdS-Certified-Cyber-Security" (VdS 3473) and the associated new services, VdS offers to all SMEs the opportunity to close this security gap organisationally and financially, and by investing only about 20% of the expense in comparison to the series ISO 27001.


VdS guidelines

Management Systems
