EMC experts
More than one million lightning strikes per year in Germany alone (VdS-MeteoInfo), plus considerably more destruction due to over-voltage and ever more numerous and stronger electromagnetic interference.
Not with you.

Thanks to comprehensive practical training, experts with the well-known VdS seal of quality know the safest and most efficient measures to protect your data, systems, buildings and above all your employees.
Make it easy on yourself:
Minimise risks + effort. Optimise efficiency. With certainty.
Rely on VdS-approval - the most important proof of quality in the security market.
Can the experts in theory as well as in practice clearly prove their competence compared to Europe's No.1 for corporate security - from equipment to execution.
Hundreds of risk analysts in the companies of the German Insurance Association GDV (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft) find new sources of risk - which is communicated to VdS-approved professionals, including loss prevention tips.
The experts are always 100% independent - another important safeguard.
Training, certification and assistance combine all our experience from over 110 years of loss prevention work.
All VdS-approved experts for EMC can be found here.
Access to the approval procedure
is open to individuals who
- qualify as a skilled electrician
- plan, install or test electrical systems on a full-time basis
- can provide evidence of 5 years of professional experience
All details can be found in section 1.1 of the approval guidelines VdS 2596.