KfW Support
KfW eligibility makes your product attractive for your customers
Almost all VdS-certified products in the field of security technology are eligible for KfW funding.
VdS-certification provides you with another powerful argument for marketing your security products. Which products are eligible for support is immediately visible on the VdS homepage by means of a corresponding marking of the VdS-certified products. KfW promotes measures to increase burglary protection in all aspects of home ownership. These include the installation of:
- Burglar-resistant house, apartment and side entrance doors
- Burglar-resistant garage doors and accesses
- Retrofitting systems for house, apartment and side entrance doors, e.g. additional door locks, cross bolt locks with/without locking bar, rim locks
- Retrofitting systems for windows and French doors as well as burglar-resistant grilles, folding and roller shutters and light well covers
- Intrusion and hold-up alarm systems
- Hazard warning systems and security technology in Smart-home applications with intrusion detection function
Information on VdS-approved elecronic products marked with the KfW logo
Marking or labelling with the KfW logo indicates that this equipment is suitable for use together with other equipment that is also marked or labelled with and in accordance to the KfW logo requirements to construct a plant, system or installation that in its entirety fulfils KfW's conditions of funding (minimum technical requirements).
The device alone does not constitute an eligible system or installation. To be eligible for funding, additional equipment is required, as is compliance with the rules of application.
Informationen zu VdS-anerkannten Produkten, die mit dem KfW-Logo gekennzeichnet sind.
Die Kennzeichnung mit dem Logo der KfW besagt, dass dieses Gerät geeignet ist, zusammen mit weiteren, ebenfalls gekennzeichneten Geräten eine Anlage aufzubauen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Förderbedingungen (Technische Mindestanforderungen) der KfW erfüllt.
Das Gerät alleine stellt nicht die förderfähige Anlage dar. Für die Förderung sind weitere Geräte erforderlich, ebenso wie die Einhaltung der Anwendungsregeln.
Information from the VdS-Training Centre on the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Informationen zu VdS-anerkannten Produkten, die mit dem KfW-Logo gekennzeichnet sind.
Die Kennzeichnung mit dem Logo der KfW besagt, dass dieses Gerät geeignet ist, zusammen mit weiteren, ebenfalls gekennzeichneten Geräten eine Anlage aufzubauen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Förderbedingungen (Technische Mindestanforderungen) der KfW erfüllt.
Das Gerät alleine stellt nicht die förderfähige Anlage dar. Für die Förderung sind weitere Geräte erforderlich, ebenso wie die Einhaltung der Anwendungsregeln.
Information from the VdS-Training Centre on the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
However, not all building security measures are automatically eligible for KfW funding, but must meet certain requirements. As a rule, this proof is provided by compliance with fixed standards. Accordingly, you prove that your product is basically eligible for KfW funding by means of VdS certification on the basis of certain VdS or EN guidelines.
By the way: All VdS guidelines always take into account the requirements of relevant DIN or EN standards. So you are always on the safe side with VdS certifications.
VdS certification can then be used to generate considerable sales and earnings opportunities. Because for your customers, KfW eligibility for funding means more than just a guarantee that they are investing in high-quality security technology. The subsidies granted by the KfW are the very incentive for your customers to tackle modernisation measures in the field of burglary protection.
Examples of VdS-certified and KfW eligible product groups are hazard warning systems in home applications, burglar alarm systems, opening detectors, motion detectors, glass breakage detectors, alarm transmission devices, as well as cross-bolt locks, locking cylinders, door shields, or additional locks.
Your timetable for product approval
You want to launch your product on time and successfully - we reduce the time-to-market to a minimum for you:
Test planning
Define the common certification goal, provide the technical documentation - simply by using our checklists. You receive your certification plan with a transparent cost breakdown.
Audit capability test
Handover of the test setups, precise schedule from VdS - with special attention to speed.
Testing, preparation of the test report, certification
Experts from our state-accredited certification body check all test results.
Issue of the VdS-Certificate
You will receive your VdS-approval - and can now advertise your products with this globally respected differentiating feature.
Is your product eligible for KfW funding? We will be pleased to advise you.
We look forward to contributing to your success. Simply describe briefly which product you would like to have approved and we will contact you immediately.