Your advantages
with a device/system approval according to EN 14637
Electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire and smoke control barriers – function and operation
If fire/smokeproof closures intended to be kept closed a fire event are to be held open for easing daily business, they must be equipped with electrically controlled hold-open systems. These shut protective doors immediately + safely in case of fire, preventing the spread of flames and smoke. They protect human lives and expensive goods as well as the buildings themselves – making them an important part of safety concepts.
An electrically controlled hold-open system consists at least of an arrest, release, power supply and fire detector. The high quality standard of the EN 54 series for fire detection systems with well designed tests tailored to the specific requirements has also been implemented for electrically controlled HOS on fire and smoke barriers via the European standard EN 14637:2007.
Safety with Quality Seal
In order to ensure the safety level proven in European fire protection also for hold-open systems, VdS requires compliance with the technical requirements of DIBt in addition to the EN 14637 standard for system or device approval.
Far beyond Germany, the well-known demands of EN 14637:2007 ensure a decisive sales argument for your product.

Schematic structure: Hold-open system in open state.
Further important pluspoints for you
with testing in the VdS laboratories:
- Our Quality Seal is the No.1 purchase criterion for decision-makers
- Solution-oriented approach, especially for complex tasks
- Proven QM system for the production facility - in a cost-effective test combination
- Regular product audits, if necessary with sampling
- Significant participation in all globally relevant committees
- World's highest reputation in terms of coverage and depth of testing
VdS-Approval in accordance with EN 14637 by our well-known, competent, accredited and manufacturer-independent testing body also represents the internationally recognized seal of quality for your product.
Within Europe, this Approval is accepted by the insurance industry in numerous countries.
At the same time, your products benefit from the excellent worldwide recognition of VdS.
Details on hold-open devices for swing doors (EN 1155)
Would you like further information?
Our experts will be happy to support you with comprehensive advice and assistance:
+49 (0)221 77 66 - 6444