Details on our DIBt Services
The German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBt) is a National Technical Authority based in Berlin, regulating the approval of non-EU harmonised construction products and techniques for use in German buildings.
Services for you with VdS 3rd party surveillance:
Especially safety-related characteristics are tested on the legal basis of the German federal states building regulations.
Testing, surveillance and certification are carried out by 3rd parties recognised by the building authorities, such as VdS.
The recognition of VdS Loss Prevention includes the following services + products:
Certification and surveillance body for issuing certificates of conformity and for carrying out 3rd party surveillance for
- Door closing devices with controlled closing sequence – swing door operators with self-closing function in accordance with DIN 18263-4
- Construction products or devices and device combinations for hold-open systems (approval areas: Z-6.510-..., Z-6.520-... and Z-19.14-...)
- Smoke release devices (approval range: Z-78.6-...)
- Control devices / manual control devices for smoke vents in elevator shafts (approval area: Z-78.12-…)
Here you can find the online fillable order form for certification and surveillance.
Surveillance body for these activities with construction products carried out by the VdS Technical Inspection Services:
- Implementation of fire barriers in the course of track-bound conveyor systems (separated and non-separated) in accordance with national technical approval Z-6.500-...
Service of product + system tests prior to an approval (state-recommended by the German building authorities) for
- Construction products or devices and device combinations for hold-open systems (approval areas: Z-6.500-..., Z-6.510-... and Z-6.520-...)
- Smoke release devices (approval range: Z-78.6-...)
- Control devices / manual control devices for smoke vents in elevator shafts (approval area: Z-78.12-...)
Here you can order these procedures.
Service of initial test before confirmation of conformity for
- Electrical locking systems for doors in escape routes (C 2.6.11 of "Model Administrative Provisions; Technical Building Rules (MVV TB)" – separate order form)
![[Translate to english:] Details zu unseren DIBt-Leistungen [Translate to english:] Details zu unseren DIBt-Leistungen](/fileadmin/user_upload/DIBt2.jpg)
Would you like further information?
Our experts will be happy to support you with comprehensive advice and assistance:
+49 (0)221 77 66 - 6444
Details on Device/system approval acc. EN 14637
Details on EN 1155 testing of hold-open devices