Inspection expert for extinguishing systems
Career stages:
1995 | Entry Technival Inspection Services Hamburg |
1998 | Branch Manager Technival Inspection Services Berlin |
2010 | Branch Manager Technival Inspection Services Plauen |
Since 2014 | Division Manager of the Technival Inspection Services |
Since 2019 | Managing Director VdS Niederlande |
Since 2021 | Managing Director VdS Polen |
Since 2023 | Managing Director VdS Tschechien |
Membership in committees:
- DIN – Lenkungsausschuss des DIN Normenausschusses Feuerwehrwesen (FNFW) NA 031 BR
- DIN – Fachbereichsausschuss Ortsfeste Brandbekämpfungsanlagen NA 031-03 FBR
- Kommission Sachschadenverhütung (GdV)
- Expertennetzwerk Feuer (GdV)
Career stages:
2005 | Entry Technival Inspection Services Köln |
2009 | Deputy Branch Manager TP Darmstadt |
2010 | Branch Manager TP Darmstadt |
Since 2015 | Head of Product Management TP |
Since 2017 | Deputy Division Manager of the Technival Inspection Services |
Membership in committees:
- DIN – stellv. Obmann im NA 031-03-03 AA Wasserlöschanlagen und Bauteile
- CEN – Experte im TC 191 – Fixed firefighting systems
- CEN – Experte im TC 191/WG 5- Sprinkler Systems (u.a. EN 12845)
- vfdb – Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V. – Referat 14 (Anlagentechnischer Brandschutz) – stellv. Vorsitzender
- vfdb – Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V. – Präsidiumsmitglied
- VDI – Experte für VDI 5950 Blatt 4 (Brandschutz bei der Lagerung von Li-Batterien)
- VdS – Arbeitskreis für VdS 2108, VdS 2109 und VdS CEA 4001
Recognized expert for automatic and non-automatic extinguishing systems
Career stages:
2002 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2006 | Deputy Branch Manager of the Technical Inspection Services Köln |
2018 | Branch Manager of the Technical Inspection Services Köln |
Recognized expert for automatic and non-automatic extinguishing systems
Career stages:
2005 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2016 | Deputy Branch Manager TP Hamburg |
Since 2016 | Branch Manager TP Hamburg |
Recognized expert for fire extinguishing systems Bavaria
Career stages:
1990 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
1999 | Deputy Branch Manager TP München |
2009 | Branch ManagerTP München |
Career stages:
2015 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
Since 2015 | Branch Manager TP Berlin and TP Plauen |
Inspection expert for extinguishing systems
Central contact in TP for the Facility Inspection Score (FIS)
Career stages:
2009 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2013 | Inspection expert for extinguishing systems |
2016 | Deputy Branch Manager TP Darmstadt |
2021 | Branch Manager TP Empfingen |
Recognized test expert for automatic and non-automatic extinguishing systems
Product Group Manager Hydrants
Career stages:
2007 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2022 | Branch Manager TP Darmstadt |
Membership in committees:
- Member of the working committees at DIN (standards DIN 1988 and DIN 14462 as well as various component standards)
Career stages:
2012 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2016 | Deputy Head of Risk Management |
Since 2021 | Head of department for installer approval FLA |
Fire protection expert
Career stages:
2002 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2002 | Product Group Manager Structural Fire Protection |
Since 2013 | Head of Risk Management |
Membership in committees:
- IE (previously CEA)
- vfdb
Career stages:
2010 | Entry VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
2013 | Project manager of the technical inspection services |
Since 2016 | Department head of the ServiceCenter TP |