Certification for Fire Alarm Technology
The VdS laboratory for fire detection technology examines the entire range of products, which are used in the field of fire detection – from smoke alarms for private areas up to fire alarm control centres and indicating equipment, from individual alarm components up to the correct and regulation compliant interaction of all devices within a fire alarm system.
The fire detection technology laboratory of VdS spread over 1,500 square metres is a unique institution in Europe and offers ideal conditions to make safety and security quantifiable and to clearly demonstrate it to your customers.

Test fire in fire test room in accordance with EN 54-7
In our fire test room VdS experts ignite for example controlled fires and assess the response of detectors to the different types of fire under real conditions. In the special laboratories for radio transmission technology and optics and acoustics we are dedicated to reliably alerting via wireless communication channels as well as the safe evacuation of people from danger areas by visual or audible signals.
The long-term reliable operation of VdS certified fire detection technology is secured by various measures of artificial ageing - for example exposure to defined heat or humidity, specific impairment in corrosive atmospheres or by special impact or vibration tests.
The tests are carried out in accordance with the existing European standards of EN 54, but also by national and VdS guidelines.
Certification of Smoke Detectors
You want to have the highest reliability of your smoke alarm devices approved? Click here for details on the certification of the little lifesavers.
In our fire test room VdS experts ignite for example controlled fires and assess the response of detectors to the different types of fire under real conditions. In the special laboratories for radio transmission technology and optics and acoustics we are dedicated to reliably alerting via wireless communication channels as well as the safe evacuation of people from danger areas by visual or audible signals.
The long-term reliable operation of VdS certified fire detection technology is secured by various measures of artificial ageing - for example exposure to defined heat or humidity, specific impairment in corrosive atmospheres or by special impact or vibration tests.
The tests are carried out in accordance with the existing European standards of EN 54, but also by national and VdS guidelines.
Certification of Smoke Detectors
You want to have the highest reliability of your smoke alarm devices approved? Click here for details on the certification of the little lifesavers.
Certification for detectors with CO sensor
with application-oriented VdS-Guidelines, ensuring reliability and facilitation for manufacturers.
Carbon monoxide occurs very early in case of fire, in the critical smouldering phase. Because of the well-known testing problems in the European standards for multi sensor detectors with combined smoke, heat and CO detection, VdS has developed practice-oriented requirements – an equivalent procedure to EN 54-26, -30, -31, but much less complex, so producers can achieve certifications easier and quicker.
You can find all the precise assistance for your protection and the highest level of safety for your customers in the freely available Guidelines for
- point-type carbon monoxide detectors (VdS 6017)
- multi-sensor fire detectors using a combination of carbon monoxide and heat sensors (VdS 6018)
- multi-sensor fire detectors using a combination of smoke, carbon monoxide and optionally heat sensors (VdS 6019)
Directly to the order form
Would you like further information?
Our experts will be happy to support you with comprehensive advice and assistance:
cs-fire@vds.de +49 (0)221 77 66 - 6444