VdS Schadenverhuetung Zertifikate



Not system-bound


ASSA Abloy Opening Solutions Sweden AB

Kungsgatan 71
SE 632 21 Eskilstuna
Telefon 016-177000
fax +46-(0)16-17 70 11
website www.assaabloyopeningsolutions.se

EN 1300:2013-11, Secure storage units - Classification for high security locks according their resistance to unauthorized opening
VdS 2344:2014-07, Procedure for the testing, approval and certification of products and systems for fire protection and security technologies
VdS 2396-S3en:2020-01, VdS Guidelines for Physical Security Devices, High Security Locks for Safes, Corrections, changes and amendments, Amendment S3
VdS 2396en:2014-07, Guidelines for Physical Security Devices, High security locks for secure storage units, Requirements and test methods

Products for physical security technique (complete list)
High security key lock - class 3

Technical product data:
Assembly hole patternChangeableClass EN 1300

Updated at: 06.05.2024
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