Faster test results for manufacturers of smoke alarm devices from and in Asia:
VdS, a world-leading company for experts and certifications for fire protection, now offers laboratory services With Swiss cooperation partner SGS SA, directly in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
Press Release 25/2023
Cologne/Germany September 05th, 2023. A large proportion of the smoke alarm devices used worldwide are manufactured in Asia. Until now, this has meant a high logistical effort and long shipping times for receiving the important VdS-Approval. The institute is now reducing both for the numerous manufacturers in Asia – thanks to a cooperation with the Swiss “Société Générale de Surveillance”, SGS: The highest reliability of the life-saving detectors can now also be verified directly in the laboratories of the stock-listed product testing group in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
“From now on, our important customer base in Asia will benefit from significantly reduced certification time as well as costs”, explains Gunnar Bellingen, head of the VdS fire protection laboratories. “For ensuring this, we have together with our Swiss partners built an identical replica of the special VdS fire room and other testing facilities in China.”
Jeff Zhao, SGS General Manager of Connectivity & Products, states: “We are pleased to cooperate with such a strong and renowned partner as VdS in order to jointly enable a safer world in full accordance with our standards – among other things through the clearly proven highest reliability of the life-saving detectors.”
Orders are placed at VdS as usual, with the German head office coordinating the tests. All information on VdS-Approval and CE certification for smoke alarm devices can be found at
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