General terms and conditions
Terms and conditions for downloading publications
1. Contract
VdS Verlag grants the user the right to download publications or other technical rules ordered by him. The documents remain accessible for 7 days. The data is transferred to the user when the documents are accessed. At this point, VdS Verlag ceases to be responsible for transferring the data.
The terms of delivery and payment of VdS Verlag apply to the exclusion of all others. They are also binding in cases where contrary purchase conditions of the customer are not explicitly rejected.
2. Access
The user provides VdS Verlag with his full and correct details; VDS Verlag grants the user online access for publication ordered and issues a user name and password.
3. Technical requirements
Documents are provided in PDF format. The publisher provides no software for representation or searching, and the user shall provide this at his own risk and expense. VdS Verlag reserves the right to change the technical requirements, but will keep these changes to a minimum.
4. Rights
The data provided is protected by copyright. The user has a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the downloaded publications or technical rules at a single workplace, for his own or for company purposes. The user's rights include permanent storage or the making of copies, as governed by the limitations of copyright. VdS Verlag reserves the right to limit the number of copies and print-outs.
It is not permitted to relay data in whole or in part on electronic data carriers, by data transmission, as hard copies or by other means, to allow third parties access to the stored data, or to transfer the data to a local or commercial storage and retrieval systems.
It is not permitted to translate, edit, otherwise change the data. In the case of technical rules other than VdS publications, other conditions may apply. VdS Verlag reserves the right to follow up any suspicion of inappropriate use of data or other contractual infringements and to take appropriate steps or to exclude the user. Any claims for compensation remain unaffected.
5. User's obligations
The user is obliged to download standards appropriately. He agrees not to misuse his access to data and to respect regulations governing data protection. He will inform VdS Verlag immediately of any misuse. The user bears the costs of terminal and telephone use.
6. Confidentiality
The user shall take due care that unauthorized third parties do not gain access to user authorization, to the copies prepared by him or authorized secondary users, or to the data itself. It is not permitted to give a user name or password to third parties. The password holder will be invoiced for publications ordered and services used in his name.
7. Use
The publisher offers downloads of publications for payment. For purchase conditions, see the current price information. The contract is fulfilled when the user has accessed the data provided by the publisher.
8. Availability
Authorization to download standards is granted for each order. VdS publications are made available for online access for 7 days. VdS Verlag reserves the right to change availability at any time.
9. Liability
VdS Verlag accepts liability only in cases of willful intent and gross negligence. The publisher does not accept responsibility for data being complete or error-free.
10. Data protection
In accordance with §33 clause 1 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (German Data Protection Law), VdS Verlag will store the user's full address in a machine-readable format for processing as the contractual agreement requires. The publisher ensures that the German data protection regulations shall be respected. Unless the user expressly refuses, his data (name, title and address) may be made available to other selected companies.
11. Place of jurisdiction
Any disputes resulting from this contractual agreement shall fall under the jurisdiction of Amtsgericht Köln if the user is on the Commercial Register or has equivalent status according to § 38 ZPO. The publisher is entitled to bring legal action at the user's place of business.
12. Other conditions
Any changes to the contract must be made in writing. If conditions are deemed invalid or impracticable, the remaining validity of the contract remains unaffected. The parties are obliged to replace such conditions with others which correspond to the originals as closely as possible.
August 2010