VdS-Schadenverhuetung Technische Pruefstelle

Challenges in practice

Fluorine-free foam concentrates: special features

The VdS Technical Inspection Body points out that with high-viscosity foam concentrates, not only the lines for foam concentrate, but also the entire pipe network downstream of the proportioning device can no longer be calculated using the standard Hazen-Williams formulas.

150 years of sprinklers - Part 2

Working for fire protection with technical expertise

At the beginning of the 20th century, German insurers set the course for the systematic spread of sprinkler technology. In the years and decades that followed, the aim was to provide specialist support for the technical development and to define the conditions for its use.

150 years of sprinklers - Part 3

Areas of application, technology and concepts

Since its development in the 19th century, the sprinkler has had an unprecedented career as an element of fire protection in the 20th century. For many buildings, the sprinkler became an important element of personal protection and often the basis for risk transfer by insurers.

VdS CEA 4001 : 2024-01 (08)

News from the sprinkler guideline

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the sprinkler. Since its invention, not only has the sprinkler evolved, but the world around it has not stood still either.

Henry S. Parmelee did not have topics such as plastic production, automatic small divider racks or the electrical monitoring of the operational readiness of sprinkler systems on his radar when he received the patent for his “improvement of fireextinguishers” on August 11, 1874.

Fire and extinguishing tests at IBK Heyrothsberg

Update of the VdS CEA 4001

A new version of VdS CEA 4001 is published every three years. To this end, a working group with industry representatives, experts and insurance companies continuously works on improving and adapting the guideline to current conditions. However, not all desired changes can be incorporated into the guideline without testing them on a real-life scale.

Failure of fire protection system equipment

Failure of fire protection system equipment

Even if the fire protection systems have an extremely high level of availability, it can still happen that system technology is temporarily unavailable, whether planned (maintenance, renovation, conversion) or unplanned (malfunction, defect).

Extinguishing systems in existing and new buildings

Effects of the ban on AFFF foaming agents

Fluorinated foam concentrates are banned. Everyone who deals with fire protection has heard this by now. Get an overview of the upcoming challenges here.

Test methods and practical fire tests

Design of an oxygen reduction system

Unlike automatic fire extinguishing systems, which react to fires that have already broken out, an active fire prevention system actively extinguishes fires from the outset by reducing the oxygen content in the area to be protected.

Tasks, problems, solution strategies

What do experts actually do?

There are always discussions and misunderstandings about what the tasks of an expert are. The following article will take a closer look at the tasks and duties. To anticipate this: Not everything is clearly regulated and there are ambiguities in various places or the legal situation differs greatly from actual practice.

VdS-certified sprinkler protection concept

SSI Flexi Shuttle-System from SSI Schäfer

The demands placed on logistics centers have increased significantly, particularly as a result of modern goods trading - the supply chain as a networked, process-oriented delivery and supply chain. Manufacturers of automated storage and logistics systems such as SSI Schaefer are therefore required to provide future-proof intralogistics solutions.
